

Key offerings and features

Sarpa Bali

Nagaraja Ananthaswami is worshiped along with his brothers Ashtanagas, and Nagayakshi with royally grand poojas and presents various offerings. The Havis and Noorum Palum are offered to the divine Sarpa Shresthas, Nagabhutas, Dikpalakas, and other deities. They in turn bless the person who offered this divine act. The best offering is to be done at Vetticode Srinagarajaswami Temple for wealth, children, prosperity, and long life.

Noorum Palum

An offering to please the Serpent. The Ashtanagas are worshiped along with the Nagaraja. Offerings are made and noorum palum is offered.

Rahur Doshashanti

Pushpanjali is performed with special suktas by offering special offerings to relieve a person from the miseries caused during Rahurdosha.


In a ritual prescribed to cure diseases caused by snake anger, the afflicted person is placed in a special position before the temple and bathed with the anointed water of Nagarajaswamy.

Uruli Kamazhth

For those who do not have children, it is a woman-oriented ritual that is performed for the benefit of children.